At every preventive cleaning appointment the hygienist will do a periodontal probing. ?It may feel like she is poking your gums on purpose. Well, in a sense, she is. But she has a compelling and understandable reason why.

What is Periodontal Probing Exactly?

Periodontal probing is a method by which the hygienist uses a?perio probe (that frightening-looking metal instrument that looks similar to a scythe)?to measure the space between your tooth and the attachment of your gum tissues to your tooth. This measurement will help the hygienist determine the health of of your gums.

Why Do I Need Periodontal Probing?

This space is considered healthy and normal when it measures one, two, or three millimeters deep. When gum tissue is at its healthiest, there is no discomfort or bleeding. When your gums are infested with the germs that eat away at that attachment, the pocket becomes infected, inflamed and it will feel like your hygienist is touching a wound. Ouch! It will be tender and will most likely bleed, which indicates that you may have periodontal disease.

Periodontal Disease? Oh No!

It’s important that you have these measurements taken on a regular basis to see if the disease is getting better or worse. These measurements will also tell you where you are not cleaning properly.

You could also have periodontal disease with very little symptoms. If the deep pockets (over four millimeters) are not treated, the tooth will eventually lose the support tissues that hold them in your jaw. This is how teeth fall out.

With a thorough dental cleaning, involving some special deep scaling in the infected areas, the hygienist removes the bacteria clusters along with hard tartar deposits. This will leave the root surface smooth as glass and will allow the tissue to re-attach to the tooth making the pockets smaller and more accessible to clean.?The hygienist will advise you how to effectively remove the bacteria and keep new bacteria from accumulating and making the situation worse. You may have to see a dental specialist like a periodontist to receive special treatment for your gums.

If you “Ask Jeannie”: If you ?have any discomfort in your gums or there is ANY bleeding, you need to see a dental hygienist for a periodontal probing to check out your periodontal numbers. Strive for three or less! Keep track of your numbers!